If working from home while looking after your children stresses you, you are not alone. Kids require round-the-clock attention and parenting while answering countless emails, attending to multiple conference calls, and keeping up with tight deadlines is no walk in the park.

Unfortunately, the spread of COVID-19 has made working from home a reality for many parents. Thankfully, tools like kids app for chores & allowance has made working from home and parenthood easier for many parents.

Working from Home and Parenthood: Striking the Right Balance

Since most classes are suspended indefinitely, many parents are now stuck at home, looking after the kids while keeping up with their workloads. While undeniably challenging, working from home with children in tow does not have to be daunting. Below are some ways you can navigate working from home and parenthood with utmost ease:

Be realistic.

If your children always demand your attention during non-business hours, it would be unrealistic to expect them to sit in the corner with coloring books, crayons, or iPads during work hours.

It is also essential to keep in mind that, more often than not, you are the main attraction for your kids if you are at home. With that said, it is crucial to remember to be realistic with your expectations so you can come up with an arrangement convenient for all the parties involved.

Talk to your kids.

If your children are old enough to keep themselves busy, talk to them, and explain the situation. Let them understand that when working, you need to stay focused, with minimal interruptions as possible. It would also be a good idea to tell them they are a part of the team and that their role is to help you stay productive.

Check out our article about 3 Different Ways Parents Communicate With Their Kids

Provide incentives.

Each day, prepare goals for your kids to accomplish. It will not only keep them busy, it can also help them develop discipline. If they accomplish the targets for the day, you can reward them accordingly.

Check out available kid’s toys on Amazon for a job well done.

Child Sitting With Mother at Workdesk

Set “emergency” drills.

There is nothing more embarrassing for many parents than kids throwing tantrums during a meeting or conference call. To minimize similar scenarios from happening, prepare your kids through a series of simulations. While there are no guarantees things will go according to plan, it’s worth trying.

Below are some of the scenarios you should act out with your kids:

  • What they should do when the phone rings, and you are talking to someone.
  • What they should do if you accidentally leave the door to your home office unlocked and they walk in while you are on a conference call or meeting.
  • What they should do if you are staring at the computer screen and they want your attention.

Ideally, your children will get the hang of things and remember what to do in those situations. Until that happens, constant role-plays won’t hurt.

Are you looking for the best electronic gadget for your kid? Click here to check it out on Amazon.

Spend your time wisely.

Are you looking after an infant or a toddler? Typically, naps are a part of their day-to-day routine. However, they don’t have to be a part of yours. As tempting as it is to unwind for an hour or more while they are asleep, make use of the uninterrupted time you have and accomplish as many work-related tasks as possible.

Be flexible.

If a family member or a friend stops by for a few hours to look after the kids, take advantage of the interruption-free time by tying up any loose ends and getting a start on any forthcoming projects.


Balancing work and parenthood can be challenging, but it can be done. With the excellent tips above, striking the right balance between the two will no longer be as difficult. Besides, as your kids get older, things will be easier to manage, so hang in there!


You can also read our article about 100 Positive Parenting Quotes that will help you overcome difficult days.

Work at Home Desk

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Photo of Samantha Green the author of this article
Samantha Green

Samantha Green is the Content Marketing Strategist for the MCA award-winning app, BusyKid, the first and only chore and allowance platform where kids can earn, save, share, spend, and invest their allowance. A mom of two, she enjoys spending time with her kids and reading books to them.